Photos Session: February 2021
The models and I were just playing around with new props and reflections in the last snow of the season. We plotted out new ways to use the props and reflections for future photo shoots.

I recently started playing around with Infinity Photo Editor too for adding a bit more whimsy to the photos too. So here are some of my learning and test images.

KODAK Digital Still Camera

Image 8 of 9

KODAK Digital Still Camera

Model: Michelle D & John

Here are a few extras from the session.

One thought on “Playing with Reflections”

  1. Awesome ideas for reflections. I especially like the creativity of the one where he is showing a réfection of her in the cut glass. The photo seems to be telling a story in that one.

    I like the round mirror in the snow also. Would make a pretty Christmas card?!

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